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Download くらべてわかる 中級日本語表現文型ドリル PDF

Kurabete Wakaru Chuukyuu Nihongo Hyougen Bunkei Doriru

まぎらわしい文型の違いがよくわかる75の集中レッスン!わかりにくい文型を徹底解説。文型のほか、語彙や文法など、中級レベル全体から幅広く題材を扱う。 (1) 紛らわしい文型の使い分けを対照表で整理、教師にも学習者にも喜ばれる。 (2) 文型のほか、語彙や文法など、中級レベルから幅広く題材を扱う。 (3) 会話を中心にした多くの例文と練習問題を通して、実践力が身につく。 (4) 少し難しい語句については、別冊でサポート。 (5) 一つの題材について見開き2ページで構成。テンポよく学習が進められる。
75 intensive lessons to understand the difference between the confusing sentences! A thorough explanation of difficult-to-understand sentence patterns. In addition to sentence patterns, vocabulary and grammar cover a wide range of subjects from the intermediate level.

(1) The use of misleading sentence patterns is arranged in a comparison table, which is appreciated by both teachers and learners.

(2) In addition to sentence patterns, vocabulary and grammar will cover a wide range of subjects from the intermediate level.

(3) Acquire practical skills through many examples and practice questions centered on conversation.

(4) A little difficult phrase is supported in a separate volume.

(5) Each subject consists of two pages. Learning is advanced at a good tempo.
(If possible, you should buy original books at bookstores.)

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