がほしい (ga hoshii)
Meaning: to want something
How to use the: Noun + がほしい
This sentence pattern denotes the desire to own something or someone by the speaker.
It is also used to ask questions about the listener’s desires. The object of desire expressed by the auxiliary [が] [ほしい] is the adjective tail [い].
Example sentences:
1, かのじょがほしい。
kanojo ga hoshii.
I want a girlfriend.
2, 私は友達が欲しいです。
Watashi wa tomodachi ga hoshii desu.
I want to have friends
3, もっとおかねがほしいです。
motto okane ga hoshii desu.
I want more money.
4, 今、何が一番欲しいですか?
Ima, nani ga ichiban hoshii desu ka?
What do you want most now?
Because it is an adjective tail い, should be negative of 「ほしい」is 「ほしくない」, which means doesn’t want to.
子供がほしいですか? いいえ、欲しいくないです。
Kodomo ga hoshīdesu ka? Īe, hoshii kunaidesu.
Do you want to have children? No, I don’t want
Sentence patterns cannot be used to denote the desires of a third person.
Sentence patterns cannot be used to invite listeners to use something or do something.
For example: If you want to invite a listener to drink coffee, don’t say [コーヒーが欲しいですか?」 But say 「コーヒーはいかがですか?」