Essential Japanese Phrases for Beginners
Part 6: Ways to Ask How Someone Is in Japanese
1. Are you well? : おげんきですか Ogenki desu ka? (Formal)
This is not the same as “How are you?” in English. We don’t use this to a stranger, someone we don’t know very well, or someone we meet on a daily basis such as a co-worker.
2. Are you well? : げんき? Genki? (Informal)
3. Have you been well? : おげんきでしたか Ogenki deshita ka? (Formal)
4. Have you been well? : げんきだった? Genki datta? (Informal)
5. How are things these days? : さいきん、どうですか Saikin doo desu ka? (Formal)
6. How are things these days? : さいきん、どう? Saikin doo? (Informal)
7. What’s wrong? / What’s the matter? : どうしたんですか Doo shitandesuka? (Formal)
8. What’s wrong? / What’s the matter? : どうした(の) Doo shita (no)? (Informal)
You can use #7 & #8 only when you assume or sense something is wrong with the person. The endingの”no” in #8 is generally used by female.
Related Post:
Useful Japanese Phrases: Part 5
Useful Japanese Phrases: Part 4