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8 Ways to Say Thank You in Japanese

8 Ways to Say Thank You in Japanese
Say Thank You in Japanese

How to Say “Thank You” in Japanese

1. ありがとう (Arigatou)

This is the most common form of thanks in Japanese. It brings a natural, comfortable, not formal, formal state. Often used with people of the same age, with friends…

However, you should avoid using ありがとう in cases of expressing gratitude to elders or superiors. Because it may be judged as being rude and disrespectful…

2. どうも (Doumo)

Another commonly used Japanese word of thanks this is Doumo. It is moderately polite; Usually used for small things that others help you with. For example, if someone holds the door you’ll use Doumo. That simply means “Thank you.”

3. どうも ありがとう (Doumo arigatou)

This is considered the standard way of speaking. You can use it to thank friends, people of the same social status or business partners. Avoid using with people with high positions in society. Its meaning is stronger than Doumo in expressing gratitude. But not showing high politeness.

4. ありがとう ございます (Arigatou gozaimasu)

This word means “Thank you very much”, has a polite tone, so it is often used for older people, superiors, or people who are not close…

5. どうも ありがとう ございます (Doumo arigatou gozaimasu)

This is a saying expressing sincere and deep gratitude. You can see it includes all three basic words: arigatou, doumo and gozaimasu. This Japanese word thank you has a polite and formal meaning.

6. ありがとう ございました (Arigatou gozaimashita)

Used when the subject is a superior, an older person… to be more polite and express more gratitude.

For example:
A: すみません. 水お願いします. (Excuse me, give me a glass of water.)
B: しょうしょう おまちください. (Please wait a moment.)
A: ありがとう ござ います. (Thank you)

B: お待たせしました. (Sorry I made you wait.)
A: ありがとう ございました. (Thank you.)

The first word “thank you” is to say thank you when the other person has not done anything for you. The second thank you is when they have already taken the water and brought it out.

7. すみません (Sumimasen)

This word is known to many Japanese learners as meaning “I’m sorry”. However, Sumimasen also means “Thank you” in cases where you feel you have bothered someone when helping you.

8.  恐れ入ります (Osoreirimasu)

This is a polite thank you, often used in business, corporate or other contexts that require seriousness and politeness. It also has the same meaning as Suminasen. That means you thank them very much, and apologize or feel embarrassed for bothering them.

However, it should be noted that Osoreirimasu should not be used frequently in everyday conversations.

How Do You Say Thank You in Japanese?


Thank you / Thanks a lot

Thank you

Thank you very much

Thank you for your trouble (lit.)

Thank you for your troubles

Thank you very much for your help.

Thank you for everything.

Thank you for your time.

Thank you for coming today.

I can’t thank you enough.

Thanks a million.(= Thank you very very much.)

I appreciate your assistance.

I really appreciate it.

I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart.

I’m really grateful for your efforts.

I wouldn’t have been able to do it without your help.

Without you, I couldn’t have done it.

You saved me.

You’ve been a great help.

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