にひきかえ (ni hikikae)
Meaning: in contrast to
How to use the:
Verb-dictionary form + のにひきかえ
Noun + (である)にひきかえ
なadj + な/である + のにひきかえ
いadj + のにひきかえ
Used in the case of expressing a comparison with things, in which case it is completely opposite.
Example sentences:
1, 兄にひきかえ弟は誰にでも好かれる好青年だ。
Ani ni hikikae otōto wa darenidemo sukareru kō seinenda.
Contrary to his brother, the younger brother was a good young man, well liked by everyone.
2, 停車場は奇妙に静かだ。それにひきかえ、車内はいやにざわついている。
teishajou wa kimyou ni shizuka da. sore ni hikikae, shanai wa iya ni zawatsuite iru.
In contrast to the quiet station, it’s awfully noisy inside the train.
3, 努力家の姉にひきかえ、弟は怠け者だ。
Doryoku-ka no ane ni hikikae, otōto wa namakemonoda.
In contrast to the hard-worker sister, the younger brother is lazy.
4, 先日までのひどい天気にひきかえ、当日は晴れている。
senjitsu made no hidoi tenki ni hikikae, toujitsu wa harete iru.
In contrast to the bad weather yesterday, it’s sunny today.
5, この頃は子供っぱい男子学生にひきかえ女子学生のほうが社会性があってしっかりしているようだ。
Kono koro wa kodomo ppai danshi gakusei ni hikikae joshi gakusei no hō ga shakai-sei ga atte shikkari shite iru yōda.
These days, in contrast to the male students who seem to be childish, the girls seem to be more clever and mature.