Home / Kanji / Kanji N3 / Learn N3 Kanji Unit 60: 課, 球, 決, 勝, 対

Learn N3 Kanji Unit 60: 課, 球, 決, 勝, 対

Learn N3 Kanji Unit 60: 課, 球, 決, 勝, 対


Meaning : chapter, lesson, section, department

Onyomi : か
Kunyomi :

Common words using this Kanji:
課程 (かてい): course; curriculum
日課 (にっか): daily routine; daily work; daily lesson
学課 (がっか): lesson; school work
課外 (かがい): extracurricular
公課 (こうか): public imposts; taxes
課題 (かだい): subject; theme; issue; matter
課税 (かぜい): taxation
課員 (かいん): section staff

第一課(だいいっか):lesson one; first lesson​
課長(かちょう):section manager; section chief​


Meaning : ball, sphere

Onyomi : きゅう
Kunyomi :

Common words using this Kanji:
地球(ちきゅう):the earth; the globe​
電球(でんきゅう):light bulb


Meaning : decide, fix, agree upon, appoint

Onyomi : けつ
Kunyomi : き-まる, き-める

Common words using this Kanji:
決まる(きまる):to be decided; to be settled​
決める(きめる):to decide; to choose; to determine;
決定(けってい):decision; determination​
決心(けっしん):determination; resolution​


Meaning : victory, win

Onyomi : しょう
Kunyomi : か-つ

Common words using this Kanji:
勝負 (しょうぶ): victory or defeat; match; contest; game; bout
勝敗 (しょうはい): victory or defeat; outcome (of a game, battle, etc.)
勝者 (しょうしゃ): winner; victor
決勝(けっしょう):finals (in sports)​
楽勝 (らくしょう): easy victory; walkover

勝つ(かつ):to win; to gain victory​


Meaning : opposite, even, equal, versus, anti-, compare

Onyomi : たい
Kunyomi :

Common words using this Kanji:
絶対 (ぜったい): absolute, unconditional
反対 (はんたい): opposition, resistance
対外 (たいがい): external, foreign
対応 (たいおう): interaction, coping with, dealing with
対象 (たいしょう): target, object, subject
対話 (たいわ): dialogue, discussion
対処 (たいしょ): deal with, cope
相対 (あいたい): confrontation, facing
対談 (たいだん): talk, dialogue, conversation
対抗 (たいこう): opposition, antagonism
対等 (たいとう): equality, equivalence
相対 (そうたい): relative

1対2 (いちたいに): 1 vs 2
対する(たいする): to be directed toward (the future, etc.); to be in response to; to be related to​