Home / Kanji / Kanji N3 / Learn N3 Kanji Unit 40: 記, 例, 齢, 歳, 性

Learn N3 Kanji Unit 40: 記, 例, 齢, 歳, 性

Learn N3 Kanji Unit 40: 記, 例, 齢, 歳, 性


Meaning : scribe, account, narrative

Onyomi : き
Kunyomi :

Common words using this Kanji:
記入(きにゅう):entry; filling in of forms​
記念(きねん): commemoration; celebration; honoring the memory of something; turning something into a memento; memory​
記号(きごう):symbol; code; sign; notation​
記事(きじ):article; news story; report; account​


Meaning : example, custom, usage, precedent

Onyomi : れい
Kunyomi : たと-える

Common words using this Kanji:
例文 (れいぶん): example sentence; illustrative sentence; model sentence
例題 (れいだい): example; exercise (for the reader)
例証 (れいしょう): exemplification; illustration; example
例年 (れいねん): average (normal, ordinary) year
例外 (れいがい): exception
比例 (ひれい): proportion
実例 (じつれい): example; illustration; precedent
前例 (ぜんれい): precedent

例えば(たとえば):for example; for instance; e.g.​


Meaning : age

Onyomi : れい
Kunyomi :

Common words using this Kanji:
年齢 (ねんれい): age; years
高齢 (こうれい): advanced age; old age
老齢 (ろうれい): old age; advanced age
適齢 (てきれい): suitable age
学齢 (がくれい): school age


Meaning : year-end, age, occasion, opportunity

Onyomi : さい
Kunyomi :

Common words using this Kanji:
歳入 (さいにゅう): annual revenue (government); annual income (government); budget receipts
歳月 (さいげつ): time; years
歳出 (さいしゅつ): annual expenditure
歳末 (さいまつ): year end
歳代 (さいだい): decade (of age); the …ties
万歳 (ばんざい): banzai; hurray; hurrah; hooray​
何歳 (なんさい): how old; what age

~歳(さい):~ year old
二十歳(はたち):20 years old


Meaning : s.e.x, gender, nature

Onyomi : せい
Kunyomi :

Common words using this Kanji:
性格(せいかく):character; personality
女性(じょせい):woman; female​
性別(せいべつ):distinction by s.e.x; s.e.x; gender​
男性(だんせい):man; male​