Home / Kanji / Kanji N3 / Learn N3 Kanji Unit 3: 式, 信, 号, 確, 認

Learn N3 Kanji Unit 3: 式, 信, 号, 確, 認

Learn N3 Kanji Unit 3: 式, 信, 号, 確, 認


Meaning : style, ceremony, rite, function, method, system, form, expression

Onyomi : しき
Kunyomi :

Common words using this Kanji :
形式 (けいしき): format; form; style; manner
式典 (しきてん): ceremony; rites
式服 (しきふく): ceremonial dress
式場 (しきじょう): ceremonial hall (e.g. wedding, funeral); hall for ceremonies
式日 (しきじつ): day of a ceremony or event
儀式 (ぎしき): ceremony; rite; ritual; service
公式 (こうしき): official; formal
株式 (かぶしき): share (in a company); stock
正式 (せいしき): due form; official; formality
押しボタン式 (おしぼたんしき):push-button operated​
入学式 (にゅうがくしき):school entrance ceremony​
数式 (すうしき):numerical formula​


Meaning : faith, truth, fidelity, trust

Onyomi : しん
Kunyomi :

Common words using this Kanji :
送信(そうしん):sending, tranmission


Meaning : nickname, number, item, title, pseudonym, name, call

Onyomi : ごう
Kunyomi :

Common words using this Kanji :
信号(しんごう): signal, red light
号車(ごうしゃ):car number…
番号 (ばんごう): number; series of digits
記号 (きごう): symbol; code; sign; notation
暗号 (あんごう): code; password; cipher
符号 (ふごう): sign; mark; symbol; code


Meaning : assurance, firm, tight, hard, solid, confirm, clear, evident

Onyomi : かく
Kunyomi : たし-か; たし-かめる

Common words using this Kanji :
正確(せいかく):exact, precise
確かめる(たしかめる):to ascertain; to check; to make sure​
確か(たしか):sure; certain; positive; definite​


Meaning : acknowledge, witness, discern, recognize, appreciate, believe

Onyomi : にん
Kunyomi : みと-める

Common words using this Kanji :
認可 (にんか): approval; license; licence; permission
容認 (ようにん): approval
誤認 (ごにん): misrecognition; mistaking (x for y)
否認 (ひにん): denial; negation; repudiation; disapproval
確認(かくにん):confirmation; verification
認める(みとめる):to admit; to accept; to confess