も~なら~も~/~も~ば~も (mo ~nara ~ mo ~/~ mo ~ba ~ mo)
Meaning: Also … also
How to use the:
N1 も V ば N2 も Vる
N1 も Aけれ ば N2 も Aい
N1 も na なら N2 も naだ
N1 も N なら N2 も Nだ
This sentence is used when expressing the meaning of “different types”, the words mentioned herein may be good or bad, many are used to cite, list, present a reason.
Example sentences:
1, 親も親なら子も子だね。
Oya mo oyanara ko mo koda ne.
It is true that if parents do, then children doen also do this
2, 動物が好きな人もいれば、嫌いな人もある
Dōbutsu ga sukinahito mo ireba, kirainahito mo aru
There are people who love animals but also there others hate them
3, 人の一生にはいい時もあれば悪いときもある。
Hito no isshō ni wa ī toki mo areba warui toki mo aru.
There are times when people have good times, also there are times when things are bad