Minna no Nihongo grammar lesson 48, we will learn about the verb dictated. Specifically, we will learn how to conjugate verbs and of course sentence patterns and usage of conjunctions.
1. The verb dictates
Group 1 verb:
Converts the string [i] to array [あ] + せ
Verb | Dictate (polite) | Dictate (normal) |
かきます | かかせます | かかせる |
ききます | きかせます | きかせうる |
およぎます | およがせます | およがせる |
のみます | のませます | のませる |
あそびます | あそばせます | あそばせる |
まちます | またせます | またせる |
とります | とらせます | とらせる |
あいます | あわせます | あわせる |
はなします | はなさせます | はなさせる |
Group 2 verb :
Remove [ます] add [させます] with polite form and add [さ せ る] to the regular form
たべます ーーー> たべさせます ーーー> たべさせる
しらべます ーーー> しらべさせます ーーー> しらべさせる
おぼえます ーーー> おぼえさせます ーーー> おぼえさせる
Group 3 verb:
します ーーー> させます ーーー> させる
きます ーーー> こさせます ーーー> こさせる
2. Verbs dictate
There are two types of verb dictated by the auxiliary verbs that indicate the subject of the verb: [を] comes with the intransitive verb and [に] goes with the verb
Noun (person) + を + Verbs dictate (Journalize)
Meaning: Let someone do something
For example:
Manager give Mr. Sato for a business trip in Osaka
I let my daughter play freely
* If the inner word comes with [を] then the subject of the action must be expressed [に]
For example:
わたしは こどもに みちのみぎがわを あるかせます
I let my child walk on the right side of the road
Noun (person) + に + Verbs dictate (transitive verb)
Meaning: Let someone do something
Asa is busy, so I will give my daughter a breakfast
Teachers leave students free to speak
3. Usage can dictate
– The wrong verb makes one of two meanings: obligatory and permissible
It is used in cases where the above-obvious relationship such as parents – children, brothers – younger brothers, superiors – subordinates, .. and superiors compel or allow the person to do something
I let my daughter play freely
Teachers leave students free to speak
– In case the person in a group (Company) tells outsiders what other person in the group does then the dictate is used regardless of the relationship.
When you come to the station then call me?
I will call the staff to pick up
I understand
– In case, the person below gives the person on something to do, if the relationship is clear, we use [the verb form て いただきます], if the relationship is equal or lower, we use [verb form て もらいます]
わたしは ぶちょうに せつめいして いただきます
I asked the head of the department to explain
わたしは ともだちに せつめいして もらいます
I ask you to explain to
– In case the person below does what the above person does but comes with an emotional verb or mood (such as あんしんする, しんぱいする, がっかりする , よろこぶ, , かなしむ,…), we can use dictated
Example. :
When I was young, because of my poor health, I Mom worried about me
4. Verbs dictate て + いただけませんか
Meaning: Please ~
“The verb て + い た だ け ま せ ん か” is used to ask someone to do something for themselves
“Verbs dictate て + いただけませんか” used to ask someone for permission to do something
Could you show me how to use the photocopier?
I have to go to the wedding you should allow me to leave early.
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