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JLPT N3 Grammar: っけ (kke)

っけ (kke)

Meaning: what is… again?

How to use the:
Verb-casual, past + っけ
Noun + だっけ/だったっけ

Used in spoken form, used to confirm

Example sentences:
1, 今日は何月だっけ?
Kyō wa nangatsuda kke?
What month is it today?

2, ええと、あの人はなんて言ってたっけ?
eeto, ano hito wa nante itteta kke.
How did he put it?

3, もう手紙出したっけ?
Mō tegami dashita kke?
Looks like you sent a letter, right?

4, 友だちのトモヤから電話があったの。その話はしたっけ?
tomodachi no tomoya kara denwa ga atta no. sono hanashi wa shita kke.
My friend Tomoya called. Did I tell you that?

5, 明日のパーティーのこと、話したっけ?
ashita no paatii no koto, hanashita kke?
Did I tell you about the party tomorrow?

6, 明日先生も来るんだっけ。
Ashita sensei mo kuru nda kke.
It seems like the teacher will come tomorrow, right?

7, どこを旅行したんだっけ?
doko o ryokou shitan da kke.
Where did we go on that trip?