Japanese Particles: や (ya)
JLPT N5 Grammar
や (ya) particle meaning : “A and B etc.”
This is used when you want to say some examples and not everything.
How to use: Noun や Noun
Example sentences:
1. 私の 部屋に ベッドや 机があります。
In my room, there is a bed, a desk, and many more.
2. 次の 日曜日に 漫画や 雑誌を 読みます。
I am going to read comics, magazines and many more, next Sunday.
3. 夏休みは 京都や 奈良へ 行きました。
I went to Kyoto, Nara and many more during Summer vacation.
4. 昨日、スーパーや デパートで 買い物しました。
I did shopping in the department store, in the supermarket and so on yesterday.
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Japanese Particles: よ (yo)
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