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Basic Japanese Phrases – Part 21

Basic Japanese Phrases – Part 21
Japanese Phrases for Beginners
Basic Japanese vocabulary
Kanji for digital flash cards
Share with you the list of basic Japanese vocabulary.

Kanji Hiragana/ Katakana Meaning
成る なる to become
成人 せいじん adult
成功 せいこう  success, hit
成績 せいせき results, record
成長 せいちょう growth, grow to adulthood
我々 われわれ we
我慢 がまん patience, endurance, perseverance
ある a certain…, some…
戦い たたかい battle, fight, struggle, conflict
戦う たたかう to fight, to battle, to combat
戻す もどす to restore, to put back, to return
所為 せい cause, reason, fault
手伝い てつだい help, helper, assistant
手品 てじな sleight of hand, conjuring trick, magic, juggling
手段 しゅだん means, way, measure
手術 しゅじゅつ surgical operation
手間 てま time, labour
才能 さいのう talent, ability
打つ ぶつ to hit, to strike
扱う あつかう to handle, to deal with, to treat
批判 ひはん criticism, judgement, comment
批評 ひひょう criticism, review, commentary
承知 しょうち・する consent, acceptance, assent, admitting, to consent
承認 しょうにん recognition, acknowledgement, approval, consent, agreement
技師 ぎし engineer, technician
投票 とうひょう voting, poll
抜く ぬく to extract, to omit, to surpass, to draw out, to unplug
抜ける ぬける to come out, to fall out, to be omitted
抱える かかえる to hold or carry under or in the arms
抱く いだく (sl) to embrace, to hug, to harbour, to entertain
抵抗 ていこう resistance, opposition, electrical resistance,
担当 たんとう (in) charge
拍手 はくしゅ clapping hands, applause
招く まねく to invite
招待 しょうたい・する invitation, to invite
拡大 かくだい magnification, enlargement
持ち上げる もちあげる to raise, to lift up, to flatter
指す さす to point, to put up umbrella, to play
指導 しどう leadership, guidance, coaching
振る ふる (1) to wave, to shake, to swing, (2) to sprinkle, (3) to cast (actor)
捕まる つかまる to be caught, to be arrested
掃除 そうじ/そうじする cleaning, sweeping, to clean, to sweep
掛かる かかる to take (e.g. time, money, etc), to hang
推薦 すいせん recommendation
掲示 けいじ notice, bulletin
掴む つかむ to seize, to catch, to grasp
描く えがく to draw, to paint, to sketch, to depict, to describe
描く かく to draw, to paint, to sketch, to depict, to describe
提出 ていしゅつ presentation, submission, filing
提案 ていあん proposal, proposition, suggestion
握る にぎる to grasp, to hold a (thing) in one’s hand, grip
握手 あくしゅ handshake
援助 えんじょ assistance, aid, support
そん loss, disadvantage
損害 そんがい damage, injury, loss
撃つ うつ to attack, to defeat, to destroy
操作 そうさ operation, management, processing
支える ささえる to support, to hold, maintain
支出 ししゅつ expenditure, expenses
支店 してん branch store (office)
支度 したく・する  preparation, to prepare
支払 しはらい  payment
支払う しはらう to pay
支給 しきゅう payment, allowance
支配 しはい rule, control, direction
改善 かいぜん betterment, improvement
攻撃 こうげき attack, strike, offensive, criticism, censure
放す はなす to separate, to set free
放送/放送する ほうそう・する broadcast, broadcasting, to broadcast
政府 せいふ government, administration
故郷 こきょう home town, birthplace, old village, historic village
故障 こしょう break-down, failure, accident, out of order
救う すくう to rescue from, to help out of
救助 きゅうじょ relief, aid, rescue
教師 きょうし teacher (classroom)
教授 きょうじゅ teaching, instruction, professor
教科書 きょうかしょ text book
散歩 さんぽ walk, stroll
敬意 けいい respect, honour
かず number, figure
すう number, figure
数える かぞえる to count
数字 すうじ numeral, figure
整理 せいり sorting, arrangement, adjustment, regulation
てき enemy, rival
ぶん sentence
文句 もんく phrase, complaint
文字 もじ letter (of alphabet), character
文字 もんじ letter (of alphabet), character
文明 ぶんめい civilization, culture
料金 りょうきん fee, charge, fare
断る ことわる to refuse, to decline, to dismiss
新た あらた new, fresh, novel
新鮮 しんせん fresh
ほう side
方々 かたがた persons, this and that, here and there, everywhere
方々 ほうぼう persons, this and that, here and there, everywhere
方向 ほうこう direction, course, way
方法 ほうほう method, manner, way, means, technique
たび travel, trip, journey
はた flag
既に すでに already, too late
にち sun, sunshine, day
日中 にっちゅう daytime, broad daylight
日付 ひづけ date, dating
日光 にっこう sunlight
日常 にちじょう ordinary, regular, everyday, usual
日曜 にちよう Sunday
日本 にっぽん・にほん Japan
きゅう old; former; ex-
昇る のぼる to arise, to ascend, to go up

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