たい (tai) : want to do something Meaning: want to How to use the: Verb-ますstem + たい Explain: When the verb is used with it, we call it the verb form. For example in 「か い ま す」, then 「か い」 is called ま す là as belonging to 「か …
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JLPT N5 Grammar: ましょう (mashou)
ましょう (mashou) Meaning: let’s, shall we How to use the: Verb-ますstem + ましょう / ましょうか Explain: Describe the urge to do something together. Example sentences: 1. ちょっと、休みましょう。 Chotto, yasumi mashou. Let’s rest a little 2. もっとよく調べてみましょう。 motto yoku shirabete mi mashou. Let’s look at it deeper. 3. では、終わりましょう。 Dewa, owari …
Read More »JLPT N5 Grammar: がいます (ga imasu)
がいます (ga imasu) : emphasis on location Meaning: There is, There are, has Explain: This form is used to talk about the residence, the existence of humans and animals. People, animals here will be the subject of the sentence, and are denoted by the auxiliary expression 「が」.「が い ま す」 …
Read More »JLPT N5 Grammar: から (kara)
から (kara) Meaning: from, since How to use the: Noun + から Explain: 「か ら」 indicates the starting point of time and place Example sentences: 1. 9時から午後5時まで働きます。 9-Ji kara gogo 5-ji made hatarakimasu. I work from 9am to 5pm. 2.大阪から東京まで3時間かかります。 Ōsaka kara Tōkyō made 3-jikan kakarimasu. It takes 3 hours …
Read More »JLPT N5 Grammar: が (ga)
が (ga) Meaning: but, however, still How to use the: Sentence 1 + が + Sentence 2 Explain: 「が」 A serial auxiliary and means “but”. When we use 「が」 to connect two sentences (propositions), we get one sentence. When describing a natural phenomenon, use 「が」 before that topic. Example sentences: 1. …
Read More »JLPT N5 Grammar: と (to)
と (to) Meaning: and, with How to use the: Noun + と + Noun Explain: We use the expression と to indicate that an object (human or animal) performs the same action. Example sentences: 1. 公園に友達と散歩します。 Kōen ni tomodachi to sanpo shimasu. I walked with friends in the park. 2. …
Read More »JLPT N5 Grammar: を (o)
を (o/wo) : only the object of action Meaning: the Explain: The auxiliary 「を」 is used to indicate the direct adverb of the verb Example sentences: 1. 水を飲みます Mizu o nomi masu I drink water 2. 日本語を勉強します。 Nihongo o benkyō shimasu. I study Japanese. 3. 音楽を聞きます. Ongaku o kikimasu. I …
Read More »JLPT N5 Grammar: に (ni)
に (ni) Meaning: in, at, on, to How to use the: Noun + に Explain: When we want to talk about a time when certain actions occur, we add the adjective 「に」 and after the noun indicating time. Use 「に」 for actions that occur for a short time. 「に」 is …
Read More »JLPT N5 Grammar: に/へ (ni/e)
に/へ (ni/e) Meaning: to (indicates direction / destination) How to use the: Noun + に/へ Explain: Used to indicate the time Used to indicate the location Used to point to whom Example sentences: 1. 明日、旅行に/ へ行きます。 Ashita, ryokō ni/ e ikimasu. Tomorrow, I will travel 2. 午後6時に帰ります。 Gogo 6-ji ni …
Read More »JLPT N5 Grammar: で (de)
で (de) : Indicates the location of an action Meaning: in, at, on, with, by How to use the: Location + で Explain: Describe where the action occurred. Describe where the event occurred. Describe the cause Demonstration method, method, means. Describe what material / material is made of. Describe a …
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