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JLPT N5 Grammar: で (de)

で (de) : Indicates the location of an action Meaning: in, at, on, with, by How to use the: Location + で Explain: Describe where the action occurred. Describe where the event occurred. Describe the cause Demonstration method, method, means. Describe what material / material is made of. Describe a …

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JLPT N5 Grammar: も (mo)

も (mo) Meaning: also, too, as well How to use the: Noun + も Explain: Use a description of things / properties / actions similar to a given object / property / action. (to avoid repeating the noun は / verb repeatedly) Example sentences: 1. 山田さんは本を読むことが好きです。私も同じです Yamada-san wa hon o …

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JLPT N5 Grammar: は (wa)

は (wa) Meaning: it, is, in How to use the: は – wa [topic of the sentence] + [は/wa] + rest of the sentence Example sentences: 1. 私(わたし)は日本(にほん)の料理(りょうり)が好(す)きです。 Watashi (watashi) wa Nihon (ni hon) no ryōri (ryōri) ga kō (su)kidesu. I like Japanese food 2. 山田(やまだ)さんは日本語(にほんご)が上手(じょうず)です。 Yamada (Yamada)-san wa nihongo …

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